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Direct Assessment of

Student Learning  Outcomes in Student Services 

Under most accreditation standards, Student Services are expected to show direct evidence of student learning. As practitioners we will need to provide compelling and measurable evidence of exactly what our students learn or do not learn. In the past, Student Services often relied on indirect measures of student learning. Evaluations, surveys, focus groups may ask participants questions such as, "Did you learn something from this program, workshop or event?" rather than actually demonstrate what students have learned. Student affairs and services departments have countless direct student learning assessment tools at their disposal, both qualitative and quantitative. This presentation will provide techniques, rubrics and examples of direct student learning outcomes that are customized to the College’s mission and strategic plan.   Workshop can be half-day or Full Day and will be tailored to your institutional needs.

Learning Outcomes:

•Participants will be able to recognize and understand the differences between direct and indirect assessment

•Participants will learn the importance of direct assessment for planning, resource allocation, student learning and reaccreditation

•Participants will be able to distinguish between operational/program assessment and Student Learning Outcome Assessment (SLO)

•Participants will be able to distinguish between qualitative and quantitative assessment techniques

•Participants will be able to create and use rubrics

•Participants will be able to create direct assessment SLO for their individual areas/programs that can be incorporated into assessment plans and linked to institutional mission and goals

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