Michael C Sachs

Service, Comfort, or Emotional Support?
The Evolution of Disability Law and Campus Housing
Tabletop Exercises for Threat Assessment Teams
The Benefits of Collaborating with Study Abroad
Preventing and Responding to Student Conduct Issues Abroad
UNESCO - World Conference on Higher Education, 2009
Ethics and the student affairs profession
Global Foundations, Issues and Best Practices
Compliance in Higher Education, August 2016
Editorial, Media
& Book Reviews
Editorial Board, ACPA - College Student Educators International Books and Media (BAM), 2011-present
Program Reviewer, ACPA/NASPA Joint International Convention, 2007
Program Reviewer, Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) International Conference, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Program Review Board and Program Reviewer, NASPA International Symposium, Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) Annual Conference, 2012, 2013
Book Reviewer, Making Meaning: How Student Affairs Came to Embrace Spirituality, Faith, Religion, and Life, by Jenny Small. College Student Educators International, October 2012
Book Reviewer, Accreditation and the Role of the Student Affairs Educator, by Kimberly R. Allen, Becki Elkins, Gavin W. Henning, Laura A. Bayless, and Timothy W. Gordon. College Student Educators International, September 2013
Book Reviewer, Student Affairs for Academic Administrators, by T. Lynn Hogan, October 2013
Book Reviewer, Taking Flight! Master the DISC Styles to Transform Your Career, your Relationship...Your Life, by Merrick Rosenberg and Daniel Silvert, Pearson Education, Inc., November 2012
Book Reviewer, Coordinating Student Affairs Division Assessment, by Kimberly Yousey-Elsener, Erin Bentrim, and Gavin Henning. College Student Educators International, February 2015

Sachs, Michael C. and Gary Rhodes. (2009, November 15). Preventing and responding to student conduct issues abroad. Interview in Student Affairs Leader Magazine. Magna Publications. 37(22), 3.
Sachs, Michael C. (2010, June 15). Student affairs insurance. Interview in Student Affairs Leader Magazine. Magna Publications. 38(12), 3.
Sachs, Michael C. (2012, October 23). Safety in study abroad. Presenter in a Twitter Chat for College Student Educators International (ACPA), Commission for Administrative Leadership.